IFR Flight Planning with MT BlitzPlan

MT-VisionAir: Simple IFR Flightplanning

- Input of data highlighted in yellow
All other fields are loaded from your aircraft and personal data - Routing is automatically generated within 45 seconds
MT-Blitzplan instantly composes a 100% CFMU conform routing. It can not be rejected.
IFR Flightplanning directly from the cockpit.


MT-VisionAir: Instant Flightplan Activation
At the push of the button "ACTIV." the flightplan is activated instantly
The flightplan is immediately available for the tower and all sector controllers concerned.
Instant Flightplan activation from the cockpit by the touch of one button.

route insert
into MT-FMS

MT-VisionAir: Automatic route insert into MT-FMS
The complete routing and the additionally computed flightlog will automatically be entered into your MT-VisionAir FMS. You insert STARs and APPROACHEs as cleared by ATC.
Automatic route insert into MT-FMS by the touch of one button.

MT-VisionAir: Complete Documentation for IFR Flightplanning
W&B, Fuel Calculation
Weight and Balance is calculated in a few seconds for the respective flight using predefined aircraft data and a graphical loading page. The CGs and weights for takeoff and landing are graphically presented in the limit diagramm.
The fuel and range calculation are automatically performed after reading
a) the flightlog and
b) the aircraft performance sheets.
The pilot has no further work to do but choosing the power setting.
MT-BlitzPlan automatically polls METAR/TAF for Departure, Destination and Alternate - before takeoff and enroute before landing.
Slot information and other messages are clearly shown and can be updated if necessary.
MT-BlitzPlan automatically polls the relevant NOTAMs for Departure, Destination, Alternate and enroute.
The complete documentation for IFR flight preparation with W&B, Fuel Calculation, METAR/TAF, Slots + Notams

MT-VisionAir: IFR Navigation Package
Always there: cleanly structured, and always up-to-date JeppView charts. With these you can be independent of any location, and you can always plan your route anywhere and print out the charts if required.
You can choose between
a) The "classic" 2D view to display all information of the further flight route. This allows smart planning.
b) The 3D view in combination with MT Relief Dynamics. This allows an optimum evaluation of the terrain in combination with all relevant information from the chart.
JeppView charts in the cockpit.

Internet: Simple IFR Flightplanning

- Input of data highlighted in yellow
All other fields are loaded from your aircraft and personal data - Routing is automatically generated within 45 seconds
MT-Blitzplan instantly composes a 100% CFMU conform routing. It can not be rejected.
Instant IFR Flightplanning

Internet: Instant Flightplan Activation

The flightplan is immediately available for the tower and all sector controllers concerned
Instant Flightplan Activation by the touch of one button.

Internet: Complete Documentation for IFR Flightplanning
Weight and Balance is calculated in a few seconds for the respective flight using predefined aircraft data and a graphical loading page. The CGs and weights for takeoff and landing are graphically presented in the limit diagramm.
Fuel Calculation
The fuel and range calculation are automatically performed after reading
a) the flightlog and
b) the aircraft performance sheets.
The pilot has no further work to do but choosing the power setting.
MT-BlitzPlan automatically polls METAR/TAF for Departure, Destination and Alternate - before takeoff and enroute before landing.
Slot information and other messages are clearly shown and can be updated if necessary.
MT-BlitzPlan automatically polls the relevant NOTAMs for Departure, Destination, Alternate and enroute.
The complete documentation for IFR flight preparation with W&B, Fuel Calculation, METAR/TAF, Slots + Notams

Free Tools and FPL Expander
Free Tools
Free Tools
1) Flightplan Visualizer
- Route on GoogleMaps and current radar picture
- Weather:
- Surface analysis with weather - Current
- Surface analysis with weather - with forecast
- Wind chart in FL 50, FL 100, FL 180 - with forecast (+36h)
- Route listing and flightlevel-profile
- Route on Google Earth
2) AIP Terminal Procedure Viewer on Google Earth
MT-BlitzPlan provides all procedures (Departures, Arrivals, Approaches and Terminal Waypoints) of IFR aerodromes on Google Earth.
3) MT Track Viewer
- Replay your real flights flown with MT-VisionAir with Google Earth!
- Substantial help for briefing (e.g. flight training schools)
Helpful information concerning your flightplan for free.
MT-BlitzPlan – the most easy to use routefinder on market!
Fly with 2 buttons pressed:
- Fill out 7 fields and press first button to get a valid routing
- Press second button to activate your FPL
- Presets for aircraft and flightplans enable instant routing:
All calculations are done automatically after a valid route is found.
Blitzplan features:
Interested in IFR Flightplanning with MT-BlitzPlan?
Moving Terrain Air Navigation Systems AG Sparenberg 1 87477 Sulzberg Germany Phone + 49 (0) 8376 - 9214-0 Fax + 49 (0) 8376 - 9214-14 Email:office@moving-terrain.de Web: www.moving-terrain.de |
Office hours: Mo-Fr: 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. |